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Curious Themes- Ultimate Shopify Sales Booster

Ultimate Shopify Sales Booster: Add THIS APP!

It can be so frustrating starting your Shopify store and not getting the sales you expected. There can be many different reasons why your products aren’t selling.

But ultimately you just haven’t convinced your ideal customer that they need your product.

So I’m going to show you how you can quickly improve your website and marketing to boost your sales FAST. Best of all, you can do all the improvements I’m recommending with just one app.

The Vitals Shopify app has over 40 different app and marketing functionalities combined into 1 app. This saves you a ton of money, makes it super easy to integrate into your store and simplifies customer support if you do need any additional help.

So in this video I’m actually going to set up 5 different app features and highlight 6 other great features that are awesome to add in. However, instead of having to manage these apps separately and pay 11 different monthly fees it is all in one place and just one low monthly fee.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Get 10% off plus a free 7 day trial of the Vitals App: and follow along with me in setting up these features for your Shopify store.



First we are going to work on using the Vitals app to optimize your store for more sales then we are going to focus on increasing your profit and conversion rate.

Optimize your Product Page

So let’s start first with your product page! The Vitals app has some great features to showcase your store’s credibility so potential customers will feel comfortable buying from you.

Trust Symbols

You can add in trust symbols that quickly highlight things our customers would care about like “Free Shipping”, “14 day money back guarantee” and “premium quality”.

Product Reviews

You can also set up product reviews so previous customers can review your products and you can showcase it on your site.

This builds trust with customers because they can see other people using your products plus you can use the reviews that were submitted in your marketing campaigns to highlight happy customers.

Recent Sales Notifications

I also recommend setting up recent sales notifications which show up as a small popup at the bottom of your screen. You can use this functionality to highlight recent orders and what was purchased as well as how many people added a product to their cart today.

Having sales notifications on your site showcases your current site traffic and also your top products which helps new potential customers trust you more.

You can customize the notification design in the Vitals app as well as the functionality of how many orders or add to carts to show depending on your store’s volume.

Once you’ve got it customized how you like you can easily add it to your store by going to “Customize” for your theme and making sure the Vitals app is toggled on under “App Embeds”.

This will show sitewide though so we don’t need to add it into any of your page templates specifically.

Inactive Tab Message

Another great feature I like to set up to optimize my product pages is the inactive tab message. This is a helpful reminder if someone navigates away from your site to come back and finish their order.

It works for all pages on your site and changes the name of the tab window. Plus you can customize the text however you want.

This functionality literally takes 20 seconds to setup but can re-engage shoppers because it draws their attention back to your site.


Increase Sales

Ok so now that we’ve got your product page optimized let’s talk about the different ways we can use the Vitals app to increase our sales.

Stock Scarcity

The app has some cool built-in features like stock scarcity to highlight how many products are left which is great for lower inventory products or products that are on a “last chance” sale.

Sticky Add to Cart

They also have a sticky add to cart that follows you as you scroll down the page. This functionality is crucial especially on mobile devices so shoppers don’t have to scroll back up to the top of your site and can just pick their options and add it to their cart quickly.

For online shopping you really want to make it as easy for the customer as possible to find the product they are looking for and add it to their cart in one to two clicks.

Product Bundles

The same is true for getting them to add multiple items to their cart which is why I love Vital’s Product Bundles app.

You can pair together products that are frequently bought together and offer a small discount to incentivize them to get both. By doing this you are increasing your average order value which helps increase your profits especially if you are using paid ads to get people to your site.

It also helps the customer because they don’t have to spend a lot of time clicking around on your site and instead you are giving them the option to add both products with just one click.

You can actually show these product bundles on the Product or Cart page as well as an Add to Cart pop-up.

I recommend building out different bundles for all your best selling products and you can customize the wording for each.

Once you’ve stylized the bundle and setup your discount you can go into your Theme customization area and navigate to your relevant product page. Then you can add in the bundle functionality to showcase it on your site.

Buy One, Get One

You can also try out additional functionality like their Buy One, Get One option. This makes it easy for your customers to visually see the offer and the total discount they receive.

Again making it easy for your customers to buy quickly without a lot of clicks and it also helps increase your sales by highlighting related products in the promotion.

With the Vitals app you can customize the wording and colors however you want and make it really intuitive so that your customers don’t have to enter a specific discount code to get the deal.

Countdown Timer

I also love adding in a countdown timer to increase sales because it adds a sense of urgency. This may not work for everyone though because fake urgency is likely to turn off potential customers.

But if you are doing a specific product drop or collection launch, or even just a limited time holiday sale this can be a great tool to visually create urgency for your customers.


Enhance User Experience

You want to make sure that the apps you are adding to your site as well as your overall site design is creating a great user experience for your site visitors.

A big part of a great user experience is making sure your visitors understand what products your store sells and quickly getting them to the perfect product for them.

Instant Search

Searching is crucial on your site and is a big part of why I love having instant search functionality. This can also be called predictive search which means it starts showing search results as the visitor is typing.

However, the Vitals app has some additional functionality with their search capabilities by showing popular searches and collections as well as showing your product review stars in the search results.

I love having the social proof instantly built in so at any touchpoint on your site you are showcasing your credibility.


Also having a wishlist on your site is a must especially for the upcoming holiday season. Wishlists make it easy and fun for your site visitors to shop your site and easily save the products they are most interested in.

This can also help increase your percentage of return customers because they are coming back to your site again and purchasing more from you. This helps strengthen your connection as well and makes it more likely that they will review your products and share them online with others.

Visitor Replays

One of my favorite features from the Vitals Shopify app is Visitor Replays which lets you actually watch recordings of customers who purchased or abandoned their cart.

This information is crucial for creating the best customer experience because it lets you feel like you are looking over their shoulder as they view your site. You can see trends for how people are navigating your site, what information they are staying on longer to read and any important information that they are quickly scrolling past.

You can then take these insights and make design decisions based around them which is so cool and not really something you get to see first-hand through your store’s regular analytics.


Running a Successful Store

The key to running a successful Shopify store is putting the customer first and really showcasing how your products will help them.

A lot of that shows up through brand credibility, like product reviews, and your overall site design. So that you are highlighting the exact things a potential customer needs to hear before they purchase your product.

Next Steps

If you need some help designing your Shopify store then check out this video next where I go step-by-step through designing my own Shopify store and sharing all the behind-the-scenes design process so you can follow along with me.

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