Hey you!

Ok, real quick, before we get into the crazy fun math I know you are excited for, I just want to take a second to acknowledge you.

Thanks for making it this far. My goal with this series was to share more of my story organically and transparently.

I also wanted to surround myself with more people that were like me.

Not that I was trying to hold up on one side of the internet, but more about the vibes.

I love the saying “a rising tide floats all boats” and I truly believe that.

I think there is more than enough out there and so we should all be supportive of each other because there is enough to go around.

If you are going to bring a rain cloud of negativity with you, then you simply are not my people.

I’m tired of spending time with “not my people” and the energy and positivity they drain from me.

So, thank you for carving out the time to hear my story and hopefully I can help you in return.

Ok, so enough chit chat… it’s time for MATH!

I promised this would be fun, though, remember…

You have your “why” right? Well, how much will it cost you?

Tally it up.


No matter  how big or small.

No matter how big or small.

No matter  how big or small.

Whatever your “why” is, then write down everything that is included in it and give it a price.

So my examples included:

  • Champagne Toast- $69 (monthly?)
  • New treadmill- $2,299
  • New pots & pans - $357
  • Disney Trip- $7,235
  • Japan first-class round trip tickets - $14,611 (x3)
  • Outdoor playset- $549
  • Summer garden- $125

But one other important thing I mentioned didn’t make this list. That was my slow mornings with my family.

So now would be the time to think about other costs you have for the behind-the-scenes of your why.

Do I feel stress free in the morning because I hired a house cleaner or got my groceries delivered?

Maybe I want to buy a new house so we have more room to play inside in the mornings while it is still cold outside.

Now start figuring in those costs.

How much would it cost you?

How much would it cost for a cleaner to come once every 2 weeks for deep cleans? What would your new monthly mortgage be? How much would it cost to get the nicer dog food this month for your fur baby?

It’s amazing how helpful it is to know the price of something.

It sounds so simple, but it’s such a powerful exercise.

I can’t explain to you how it felt the first time I did this, and I totaled everything up.

This was back in 2012 and I was newly married.

We had just moved to a rental house really far from both of our jobs and honestly, the area was not the safest.

But we moved there because it was a house and not an apartment. We were naïve, and I was 23.

When I totaled it up, the price tag was $10,000 PER MONTH.

This felt insane to me. I was working at an ad agency in Nashville, TN, full-time for $2,400 a month with benefits. My husband was working a crappy retail job he hated, and we were barely scraping by.

$10,000 felt like it could have been $1,000,000 at that point.

Have you felt like that before? Or do you have a different price trigger?
